2011년 5월 22일 일요일

History of Cello

Photo by Michael Maggs
   In orchestral music, a word 'Cello'  actually means a person who plays cello(Cellist) in a abbreviation. The formal name is 'Violoncello' which means small double bass. A word 'Violone' has ccome from a word Viol. which means a viol instruments and adding -one which meas big. Finally, it signify double bass, but a word cello, which means reduction has added, so, it means small double bass. Its full name should be pronounced in Italic, violoncello, but generally called cello in short name. Violone means big Viola. In 16~17th century, it took charge in ensemble with Viola da gamba and Viola da braccio. The Violoin family instrument Cello has developped with Violin generally.
  Early form of cello has 3 strings, F, C, G. In early 16th century, 4 stringged cello, the has B, F, C, G was made in Italy and spreaded to Germany, France, and England. In 1550s Germany, the cello which tuned in C, G, D, A as today's one has made. However, 17th century in Italy and 18th century in France and England had tuned major 2 degree down.
In 18th century, Germany, 4 stringged cello has used commonly used and used 5, 6 stringged cello for supplement low pitch sounds. Before 1700, the instruments were not have fixed. There had 73~80cm body shape. In 1710, by A. Stradivari, it has fixed shape, 75cm. Cello usually used in 'Basso continuo', but in 18th century, it stood out as solo instrument. After 1759s, polyphonic music has changed to orchestral music, the neck and fingerboard became longer and bridged changed roundlt and highly. It brings softer and elastic sound. In 1780, by F. Tourte from France, the bow of cello has changed as today's one and had fixed length. In later 19th century, A. F. Servais made end pin. and it developed techiniques. Until that time, Cello player fixed cello with their knees and it is not comfortable.
  In early time when cello has made, It was not popular in Orchetral music. But by, Johann Mattheson it was acknowledged as one of the most important instrument in Orchestral music. In Bach and Hendel's orchestral works, cello became the importar member of string instrument.  But at that time, function of cello was limited in low bass pitch with double bass. The bass continuo was delined and fuction of cello had become various, in exaple, Bach made 5 sonatas for cello. At that time, still function of cello was not known to composer, so hyden and mozart made monotonous melody. In the later 18th century and early 19th century, by Beethoven or the other composer, cello seperated from double bass and take its own line. And after the Romaticism, composer Wagner used cello as today's style, different from past. Nowadays, Cello go over as harmonical instrument as solo instrument.

2011년 5월 14일 토요일

History of Viloin

Picture from http://ditmdlibrary.wordpress.com/2010/01/13/violin-making/
 It was about 16th century that the violin was appeared. The oldest one was made in later 16th century, but in picture and literature of Europe before 16th century, there are references about violins. Violin was used more than viol because of its great functions even it was made after Viol. There is no decided theory of its actual origin.
 In later 15th century, viol, lute and rebec was popularly used in royal instrumental ensemble. Also, commerce captialism arose in Italia almost same time. New commerce capitalist made theater. It allowed citizens to see opera and listen instrumental ensemble music. Break from the religious thing and folloing humanism was popular in Italia, so orchestral music prefered stringed instrumats rather than wind instruments.
 Viol could not satisfy the demands of era because, it had many strings and had narrow sound range. The violin had altered the viol.
 In the middle of 18th century, violin faced few needs. There were concert halls for musical concerts and many people were in there. Violin needs to sound loud and fancy. So, the violin's neck became longer, the bridge was higher lateral plate became thicker, and resonator became thinner. For high pitch, neck tilted to backward. Today's bow was also made in 18th century. Early bows looked like a weapon bow, but because of the technical requirements, it had become like modern day's shape. Today, electrical violin appeared, which change the sound in to electic signals.

2011년 5월 8일 일요일

History of Flute

Picture From http://most-expensive.net/flute
 The name of the instrument flute came from a small fish, 'Lamprey', which has 7 holes on its sides. These  holes are same as 14 holes of flute. Or came from a word 'Querfiote' that means, width pipe in Germany.
 Flute is the one of the oldest instrument and also had a lot of changes to become like today's shape. The origin of it is very old, ancient Greece and ancient Egypt have traces. By these facts, we can guess there was a flute before that time. Also, Greece is the one of the country where the making flute was developped and played. The flute music had grown up in Russia, Germany, Spain, France, as well as troubadour in 13th century.
  In Baroque and middle age, it was used in military but, recorder was popular in that time music. So, in 17 to 18th centry, flute means recorder, and flute that was blown with width side called width flute or Germany flute. In 19th centry, the width blow flute was altered with recorder, because of  the Germany flute player, Theobald Boehm. Boehm changed cone shaped body as cylinder and made holes bigger to make flute rational and to gain regular half-notes. He also makes it easier to block the holes, by adding rings and shafts.
  As time passes, its material has been changed. The woods were changed into metals. This process makes flute to be protected from climate, humidity and temperature. In musical sounds and tones, it made flute sounds more clearly and mild. Metal makes easier to to make a flute thinner, and it makes flute to make light sound and if you blow it strong, it makes shap tones.

2011년 5월 1일 일요일

History of Gayageum

From http://www.encyber.com/

 History of Gayageum

 By Samguksagi, before 1400 years, King Gasil of Gayaguk made gayageum like a Chinese instrument Zheng. But, long neck jar that considered as made wehn King Michu(A.D. 262~284) was on the throne, tells us, that it was in Korea before King Gasil's gayageum. And also, stringed instument Go that excavated from Gyungsan and presumed as made in A.D. 1. So, there could be a gayageum that made bofore King Gasil's gayageum. Also, Gayageum was sexcavated in Shinchang, Guangju, 1977. At that time, that adre was Mahan of Samhan(Three han) which was full of agricultural industry and the people were enjoying high level culture. Normally, this instrument was played by nobles or the higher not the ordinary people. Also, instrumental that looks similar with this was excavated in Gyungsan, Gyungsangbukdo, 1977, but only has a trace of paint. Also, in Changwon, Gyungsamnamdo tomb of dahroi, similar instrument was excavated. By these facts, there were many stringed instrumental in southern Korea. By reference from Samgukji uijidongijun, instrument Seul was in the Byunjinhand and it looked like an Chook. So there was a instrument that not belong to Seul or Chook. So, King Gasil may be unifired individual Gayageum's size and shape and also mde an 12 string gayageum.