2011년 5월 14일 토요일

History of Viloin

Picture from http://ditmdlibrary.wordpress.com/2010/01/13/violin-making/
 It was about 16th century that the violin was appeared. The oldest one was made in later 16th century, but in picture and literature of Europe before 16th century, there are references about violins. Violin was used more than viol because of its great functions even it was made after Viol. There is no decided theory of its actual origin.
 In later 15th century, viol, lute and rebec was popularly used in royal instrumental ensemble. Also, commerce captialism arose in Italia almost same time. New commerce capitalist made theater. It allowed citizens to see opera and listen instrumental ensemble music. Break from the religious thing and folloing humanism was popular in Italia, so orchestral music prefered stringed instrumats rather than wind instruments.
 Viol could not satisfy the demands of era because, it had many strings and had narrow sound range. The violin had altered the viol.
 In the middle of 18th century, violin faced few needs. There were concert halls for musical concerts and many people were in there. Violin needs to sound loud and fancy. So, the violin's neck became longer, the bridge was higher lateral plate became thicker, and resonator became thinner. For high pitch, neck tilted to backward. Today's bow was also made in 18th century. Early bows looked like a weapon bow, but because of the technical requirements, it had become like modern day's shape. Today, electrical violin appeared, which change the sound in to electic signals.

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